Hi, I'm Yingjie Wang from University of Science and Technology of China. I'm majoring in theoretical physics, and I enjoy GR and gravity theory a lot. But at the same time, QM also attracts me a lot. I am trying to learn some knowledge about functional analysis and C*-algebra to understand QM better. Nowadays I'm reading Rovelli's book
Quantum Gravity and Thiemann's very nice review
arxiv:gr-qc/0210094 to learn some of LQG. That interests me a lot. I am also interested in AdS/CFT duality, cosmology and many other topics about gravity and QFT. Later maybe I will talk more about my physics interest.
When it comes to my leisure time,
- I play the guitar, and I enjoy the fingerstyle. Here is one of my video:And here is a better record, but audio only: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrance I have some other songs which I can play well, but I haven't record them. More video will coming in future.
- I play Go, but not quite well. I have joined in the Leela Zero project since one and a half year ago.
- I also love brush calligraphy. I follow from 颜真卿 and 王羲之, here is my copy of 圣教序 by 王羲之:
I also play badminton, not quite good, but I just enjoy it :-)